
A better world starts with privacy and digital freedom

iodé was born in France in 2021 when two engineers, Antoine and Vincent, decided to do their part to build a better internet with privacy as the default.

Challenging the mobile OS duopoly

Android and iOS have transformed our lives, but for most people, he cost of accessing the internet today is to surrendering vast amounts of personal data to companies that prioritize profits over privacy.

We created iodé to provide an alternative

iodé was born out of a desire to build an operating system that puts people before profits. We envision a world where everyone has control over their digital lives, and can experience true digital freedom.

In this new world, you can communicate with whomever you want, protect your personal data and identity, avoid having your data sold to third parties, and safeguard yourself against cybercrime.

Our code is Open Source

iodéOS is open source, hosted in our own Gitlab instance at OVHCloud in France. Our websites and community forum are hosted in dedicated servers. Transparency is one of our core values and open source code reflects this commitment.

We are Community-driven

Our community is integral to iodé’s evolution. Polls and feedback shape the direction of the OS and tools, and public contributions to code brings iodéOS to previously unsupported devices, showing our commitment to collaborative innovation.

We have a Privacy by design approach

Our code collects only the data that is strictly necessary to provide services. When you install and use our operating system, we collect nothing. The only exceptions are cases like shipping addresses for phone orders or email addresses for iodéOS Premium subscriptions.

We protect your privacy

Privacy is a fundamental human right and we are committed to helping you reclaim yours. The iodé blocker is the most powerful and easy-to-use mobile adblocker, keeping you and your family safe from trackers. Because security and privacy go hand in hand, we make sure that iodéOS is updated on a monthly basis. Finally, our privacy-by-design approach means your data is safe with us because we don’t collect it in the first place.

We favor inclusiveness

With iodéOS, the power of open source allows people to continue to use devices no longer supported by manufacturers, with continued security updates. This ensures accessibility to a wider base of people, organisations and businesses.
iodéOS is free for installation, so people anywhere in the world can benefit. Democracy should be perpetuated worldwide.

We empower digital sovereignety

At iodé we fight gatekeepers that lock users into walled gardens. This is why all of our default, preinstalled apps are uninstallable. We always make sure our devices can be unlocked so users can easily, migrate to a different software solution and keep their digital sovereignty.

We’re taking action for the environment

How about combining sustainable hardware with sustainable software? See our key points:

  • iodéOS is open source and open source is more sustainable.
  • The source code is hosted on Gitlab and OVH. Check their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impact here and here.
  • By following a privacy-by-design approach we only use and store the necessary data, we don’t consume unnecessary resources.
  • Each day, the iodé blocker prevents megabytes of data collection, reducing energy consumption on your device.
  • Approximately 80% of a smartphone’s lifetime CO2 emissions are attributed to its production. See how the hardware we sell is sustainable here.

More information on what makes iodé sustainable here.

The Company

IODE TECHNOLOGIES is a company based in France with strong protections of privacy and freedom in the European Union such as the GDPR law. We are not owned by any VCs or external investors, we control the ship we pilot, only influenced by what our community has to suggest for us.

The Team

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”

Margaret Mead

Passionate about Privacy

Our European team of dedicated technologists want privacy to be accessible for everyone.

We work relentlessly to serve our community while we’re at it, help protect the environment as well.

Ambitious goals, we know, but somebody has to do it, right?


Founder, CEO
As a data scientist working in both France and the USA, Antoine grew increasingly uneasy witnessing big tech exploit people’s data with negatively impact on their lives and the society. The lack of an out-of-the-box solution on mobile devices motivated him to explore alternatives.

As the CEO, he is responsible for navigating the ship and has touch points on every aspect of the company.


Founder, Lead Developer
Vincent, an AI researcher and ROM maintainer met Antoine in 2020 and they discovered their shared passion for privacy and technology. Together they founded iodé, the company developing the privacy-friendly and open source Android-based operating system iodéOS.

As the lead developer, he is developing iodéOS, maintaining devices and providing technical expertise for the community.


Business & Marketing
Oliver joined the iodé Team in 2022 after working as a freelancer, startup founder and in different roles at other tech companies. After realizing the negative implications that technological surveillance has on society, he decided to do something about it.

He is responsible for business development, marketing, the website as well as the German market.


Business & Marketing
Brian is passionate about privacy and has 22
years of experience in free software as a
linux user, maintaining networks, hardware,
software, and teaching free software tools. After starting a project that helps people to transition to alternative ROMs, he decided to join iodé.

Brian is responsible for marketing, cooperations and fostering the iodé community.


Alex is our handler and repair wizard.
With more than 10 years experience as a hardware repairer in his own shop, Alex can bring any phone or tablet back to life.

Whether you want to buy a iodé phone physically or want to get your phone repaired, come meet Alex at “L’Atelier du Smartphone” in Toulouse!

Join iodé

For those up to the challenge, working at iodé is a chance to help build a better world, at an organization that is committed to putting people before profits.

Our Partners

From conception of iodéOS to the end of life of your iodé device, we want to minimise the carbon footprint. We are selective about who we work with and favour the circular economy with local players whenever possible.

Become a partner

Whether you are a reseller, a manufacturer, an influencer, or a media wanting to promote iodé, get in touch with us!

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