At iodé not only do we design and develop solutions to protect your online privacy and security, but we also work hard to reduce our carbon footprint, as well as yours. Let’s discover what iodé does to be more sustainable throughout the lifecycle of each device we sell.
Our journey starts with the operating system itself:

iodéOS is an open-source Android-based operating system designed to protect your personal data. We host the code on our own Gitlab instance at OVHCloud in France. Having our code available publicly is one of iodé’s core values: not only is it a guarantee of transparency and ethics — open source is more sustainable.
Almost all android phone manufacturers fill the stock operating system with bloatware. Most of these apps are running in the background even if unwanted, and cannot be uninstalled. iodéOS is a lightweight operating system, and will only run the apps that you choose. Systems that consume fewer resources use less energy and use fewer battery cycles, reducing the carbon footprint and extending the life of the device.
And the adblocker
The iodé blocker automatically blocks every day Megabytes of data collection from trackers on your device, preventing resource usage on collecting, storing and analysing data.
An ethical phone you can order with iodéOS preinstalled
We partner with manufacturers and professional refurbishers with a commitment to the environment to offer new and refurbished phones with iodéOS preinstalled.
Our new phones come with a modular design, fairly-sourced materials and social responsibility in mind. Read more from our manufacturers: Fairphone, Shift and Teracube. The Fairphone, for example, was recognized as the world’s most repairable phone on the iFixit repairability scale.
The production of a smartphone still accounts for the majority of its carbon footprint, more than its usage. That’s why we at iodé, we encourage you to get a refurbished phone instead, giving it a second life. Our partners are located in France, and the refurbished phones are sourced in Europe, the majority of them from France.

We include a beautiful wood phone case from our French partner

Our French partner is actively committed to a socially responsible approach. Through their cases, they aim to support the principles of the circular economy and promote French know-how. Working with French partners is a value they hold particularly dear.
We use minimal packaging and deliver via an environmentally conscious partner.
Once you’ve purchased a device and any desired accessories, we put your order into eco-designed packaging from our french delivery partner La Poste. For over 20 years, La Poste has been committed to reducing its environmental impact, from packaging to delivery solutions. Your order is now shipped! In a few days it should arrive at your front door.

End of life

Now how about that old phone you don’t use anymore because it is broken or because you switched to iodéOS? First of all, if the device is still usable you may want to try installing iodéOS on it and give it a second life. But if your phone is simply too old or needs to be reconditioned, you may want to sell it or donate it to a professional refurbisher that will recycle it. And while we frequently get asked about whether we can take phones back, we currently don’t, except for some occasional exceptions in our local shop in Toulouse.