Protect your data

A study published in 2018 revealed that a dormant, stationary Android phone (with the Chrome browser active in the background) communicated location information to Google 340 times during a 24-hour period. Source: Digital Content Next – Prof. Douglas C. Schmidt, Vanderbilt University, August 2018

An other study published in 2018 revealed that of 100,000 android tested apps88.4% contained Google trackers while 42.55% contained Facebook trackers

Source: Third Party Tracking in the Mobile Ecosystem – Reuben Binns, Ulrik Lyngs, Max Van Kleek, Jun Zhao, Timothy Libert∗, Nigel Shadbolt – Oxford University.

Discover how tech firms collect, process and sell your data, oftentimes without you even knowing. iodéOS helps to protect you against that.

These tech firms then build fine personality profiles and behavioral analysis which are of a great value for marketors. Google is the world biggest advertising company

But there could be worse consequences than invasive ads. Other unscrupulous actors can also collect your data for influence or fraudulent purposes

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